Time-To-Kill is a First-Person Shooter in a small hellish facility where the player kills enemies to escape using weaponry and tools given throughout the game. The faster you can kill demons, the faster your speed and stronger you become. You will also gain abilities that will make you faster and tougher to kill.
Our team had three months spanned between three different classes working in Unity to conceptualize, prototype, Beta/Alpha, and Gold Standard our game. We utilized Trello for planning and GitHub for version control. Below you can see examples of my contribution.
Proof of Concept Image
My Contributions
– Producer/Team Lead – Documentation – Trello for Project Management – GitHub / GitHub Desktop – Game Manager Script – Level Design (Main Level / Menu Screen / Boss Level / Game Controls) – Door Controller Script / Door Animation – Gameplay Audio Triggers – Scripting Enemy AI Logic / Animation / Navigation – Revision control / Sprint Turn-Ins / Project Packaging – Implemented a loading screen – Boss AI logic / animation / phases – Occlusion and Frame rate – Cinemachine work (Demo Reel creation/Development)
Once the project was green-lit, I designed a level where our players could utilize the abilities given while remaining fast-paced and close-quartered. I take pride in design elements as much as I do development so I took advantage of more opportunities to create levels for this project.
Main Menu Features
I designed and animated the main menu scene and created the controls and credits menu. I also programmed and implemented how the load menu transitions between the level when starting the game.
Enemy AI/Boss AI/Environmental Mechanics
I handled the logic for our enemy and boss mechanics from navigation to attack sequencing, animation, and clean-up. The Boss I created had 3 phases of battle to get progressively more difficult with time. Phase 1 was a simple laser eye attack and melee attack when in range. Phase 2 was adding to the first phase but now bombs would be thrown and cause splash damage when in range. Phase 3 stacked the others but now included a shock wave that damaged anything within its radius.
I created a door mechanic to keep the player in the area until all enemies were destroyed. We added UI to display how many enemies were left to confirm the completion of the area. Also to keep the player from going backward or getting stuck on the wrong side of the door we created checkpoints that the player could re-spawn at just by crossing the threshold of the collider.