James T Shaw

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James T Shaw
| Developer |
| Designer |
| Producer |
  • Residence:
  • City:
  • Age:
Programming Languages Confidence:
Engine / Modelling Experience:
Unreal Engine

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Venture Time

Venture Time

Project Details                                                              

Elevator Pitch

Venture Time is a souls-like slasher where your goal is to traverse the different realms facing peril to collect the sacred paintings to unlock endless riches hidden in the depths behind the shrine.

The Clever Wasps team created this playable demo in one month during an open portfolio class.

My Contributions

– Producer/Team Lead
– Documentation
– Jira for Project Management
– GitHub / GitHub Desktop

– Asset Collection/ Implementation

– Environmental hazard scripting

– Gate system for level completion

– Moving platform system

– Level Design (All Levels except Hub World)
– Scripting Enemy AI Logic / Animation / Navigation
– Revision control / Sprint Turn-Ins / Project Packaging
– Level/Scene Traversal- Occlusion and Frame rate
– Cinemachine work (Demo Reel creation/Development)

Level Design

For this project, I had the opportunity to spread my wings a bit more in the level design field, since the game called for a ton of levels. The concept of this game was based on the original Coleco Vision game Venture featuring a world with rooms inside and dangerous creatures then you must enter the rooms to face more threats to get the treasure.

Main Menu Features

I designed and animated the main menu scene and created with cinemachine a track system for the camera to produce this fly-in effect for the menu. I also programmed and implemented how the load menu transitions between the levels when starting the game.

Enemy AI/Environmental Mechanics

I handled the logic for our enemy and environmental mechanics from navigation to attack sequencing, animation, and clean-up. All enemies used Navmesh and basic sight cones to detect the player and pursue you when visible. Each enemy type was given a special attack type be it ranged, melee, explosive, etc to give the game more excitement and variation.

As far as the environment goes I created traps out of spears with scripts written to move them and turn on colliders to damage the player. I also created a script for the doors so the player can not exit the areas they enter until all enemies are killed. Lastly, I created moving platforms that were implemented in the game but not demonstrated in the demo.